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To show the final product, we display our 1: 1 prototype for your approval. If the size and decorations are simple and based on our experience, final production usually takes 1,5-2 months. At every stage, it is manual work. From blowing glass baubles, through painting and decorating.

We encourage you to contact us via the form in the card: BUSINESS – CONTACT, to receive more information with specific details. 

For years,  we have been implementing business projects for companies, institutions and state organizations. We specialize in creating individual projects tailored to the needs of customers. There is no better occasion to give a business gift than the upcoming Christmas. A properly prepared gift shows approval and appreciation of the joint work over the last year.

We are able to prepare round and figurative baubles relating to the company’s activity or an identification vision for a given year. Additionally, we can design and produce box to every special need. Our graphic designer will prepare project for your approval. Depends on a quality, design, size and amount of the boxes, we will prepare appraisal. 

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