Krakow Nativity Scene is an unique encounter in the world scale. Its design was formed in 19th. century among Cracovian mason guild members who was looking for additional income during fall-winter period. Custom of making cribs during Christmas is taking roots from cult of betlehem creche and it is fameus among Christian since the beggining of christianity. Proliferation of Christ birtch mystery is credited to St. Francis from Assissi. In Poland this custom is called “Jaselka” and was firstly instroduced by Franciscan Convent in 13th. century. Typpical Cracow crib is inspired by local architecture and traditions. We can admire the most beautifull Cracow buildings minimized and very colorfull and mixed according to creators fantasies. The most common motives are Mariacki church towers, Barbakan, Florians Gates or Zygmunt Chapel. Crib makers very ofte link their creations to cracow legends. Many times You can spot Wanda or Wawelski Dragon near Holy Trinity, Virgin Marry or other common members such an Kings, Devils, Angels.
– bauble: glass
– box: binder board with pattern
Every part of this set made in Poland.