Easter in Poland is a church holiday celebrating the Paschal mystery. For others, it is also a springtime relaxation. The holiday is full of traditions and folk customs, which, depending on the region, have their color and patterned counterparts. We decorate houses using symbols, we cultivate old customs. The most popular ones are: making palm trees, painting Easter eggs, preparing an Easter basket, or pouring water in Śmigusa Dyngusa.
Painting Easter eggs comes from old Slavic beliefs, where the egg was a symbol of vitality and new life. It mediated between the human world and gods and spirits. In the cultural aspect of decorating Easter eggs, it is worth emphasizing that they feature stylized plant motifs: twigs, trees, flowers, animals. They all evoke meanings – trees of life, they also indicate the role of eggs in symbolic restoration of life after the winter phase of sleep.
Kroszonka Opole handmade on a blue background of a goose egg. Complicated, detailed patterns are created by folk artists from Opole Silesia. Using a shoemaker’s knife, they scrape vegetable and geometric motifs on dyed eggshells, and their shape and method of creation continue the long-standing tradition, according to which even the color of the shell has symbolism. The invaluable advantage of these Easter eggs is the fact that thanks to the technique of production, which cultivates a long, folk tradition, each egg is decorated with a completely unique pattern.
The height of the shell ~ 9 cm
– Easter egg: goose egg shell
– box: decorative cardboard printed in the colors of Bombkarnia
Each of the elements was produced in Poland. The egg is a unique handicraft, no two Easter eggs are the same, because it is human work. For each order, an Easter egg will be sent in the most similar color and design.